- 寇bandit
- 潛入下水道,跟哈定上校約見面,然後逃出寇地茲堡壘。Infiltrate the sewers, rendezvous with Colonel Harding and then escape Colditz castle.
- 82歲的二戰退伍老兵卡爾寇斯在戰鬥時遭炮彈碎片擊中,致使右眼失明。Second World War veteran Don Karkos, 82, lost the sight of his right eye when shrapnel in combat hit him.
- 隨後,新生兒半神伊斯蔻雷皮亞斯由醫療智者馬人寇如撫養並進行教育。The newborn demigod Aesculapius was then taken and trained by the Chirion, the healing-wise centaur.
- 進入河流及卡斯寇湖泊時,旅客可進入一個重覆讓您充滿驚奇及愉悅的境界。On entering the labyrinth of rivers and cochas lakes, the traveler enters a universe of repeated surprises and delights.
- 最後寇英先生拿出一個寸鏡--一種鑽石商用的放大鏡--仔細審視那顆寶石。Finally Mr. Cohen took out a loupe, a diamond man's magnifying glass, and studied the stone.
- 在寇頓,他創作了一些他最優美的室內樂(一種只為少數幾個樂師演奏而譜寫的樂曲)。At Cothen he composed some of his finest chamber music (music written for a small number of players.
- 當她集中精神觀察他時,她發現了。依靠瑟寇拉的恩惠,那個祭司認出了舍姆森是什麼。When she gave him her full attention, she knew. By Sekolah's grace, the priestess had recognized Shemsen for what he was.
- 寇阿相思樹koa; koatree
- 澳熱寇熱Australian Q fever
- 奧寇梯木油ocotea oil
- 蕩寇志Stanley and Livingstone
- 奧寇梯木屬喬木sweetwood
- 匪寇bandits; highwayman
- 司寇minister of justice
- 入寇invader
- 勝者為王,敗者為寇。Losers are always in the wrong.
- 豆寇年華An adolescent girl,sweet sixteen
- 勝者為王,敗者為寇。Losers are always in the wrong.
- 艾寇Echo