



  • - (容納; 包含) hold; contain:

    a reservoir with a capacity of over 30000 cubic metres; 可容水30000多立方米的蓄水池

    The few small rivers could not hold all the rain that fell during the wet season. 幾條小河容不下雨季的全部雨水。

    - (寬容; 原諒) tolerate:

    be tolerant; 寬容

    incompatible with the accepted code of human conduct; 情理難容

    - (允許; 讓) permit; allow:

    admit of no doubt; 不容懷疑

    brook no distortion; 不容歪曲

  • - (臉上的神情和氣色) facial expression:

    a worried look; an anxious expression; 愁容

    an angry look; 怒容

    - (比喻事物所呈現的景象、狀態) appearance; looks:

    the appearance [look] of a city; 市容

    lineup; battle array 陣容

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Rong Hong 容閎



  1. 從那個觀點看,這工作就容易了。
    Looked at from that point of view, the job becomes easy.
  2. 該書含有誹謗性的內容。
    The book contains scandalous text.
  3. 這廳最多容納七十人。
    This hall holds a maximum of seventy people.
  4. 盛有核廢料的密封容器被丟在海里。
    Sealed containers of nuclear waste have been dumped in the sea.
  5. 她憂戚的面容反映出她內心的思想。
    Her sad looks reflected the thought passing through her mind.
  6. 她經歷了數周不眠之夜,看上去臉色蒼白,形容憔悴。
    She looked pale and drawn after weeks of sleepless nights.


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