- 實體entity
- 實體經濟the real economy
- 實體的hypostatic
- 實體化materialization
- 經濟實體economic entity
- 實體法substantive law
- 實體模型full-scale mock-up
- 法人實體legal entity
- 內陸一個政治或地理實體的內陸部分The inland part of a political or geographic entity.
- 子實體encarpium
- 語法實體syntactic entity
- 按口計算機和其他實體之間,如印表機或操作者,相互作用或交流的點The point of interaction or communication between a computer and any other entity, such as a printer or human operator.
- [生]趨實體性stereotaxis
- 在一個集合中,具有定義一個集合性質的對象、實體或概念。In a set, an object, entity, or concept having the properties that define a set.
- 界面在相關區域,實體,物質或階段之間所形成共同界限的面A surface forming a common boundary between adjacent regions, bodies, substances, or phases.
- 單個實體單個的可區分的個體A single, distinct entity.
- 嚴格按照實體法和程序法辦案。Cases are tried strictly in accordance with substantive and procedural laws.
- 實體類entity class
- 資料庫中包含有某個實體信息的欄位。In database, a field that contain information about an entity.
- 存在物;實體A thing that exists; an entity.