- 定義屬性Get和Set方法Defining the Property Get and Set Methods
- 屬性attribute
- 參數指定方法參數和要搜索的自定義屬性的類型。Parameters specify the method parameter, and the type of the custom attribute to search for.
- 下列代碼段指定自定義屬性可應用到任何類或方法。The following code fragment specifies that a custom attribute can be applied to any class or method.
- 文件屬性file attributes
- 另外,不能用以下自定義屬性批註SAFE和EXTERNAL_ACCESS程序集Additionally, SAFE and EXTERNAL_ACCESS assemblies cannot be annotated with the following custom attributes
- 派生自定義屬性類。Derive a custom attribute class from.
- 然後,可以將用戶控制項作為一個單元對待,為其定義屬性和方法。You can then treat the user control as a unit and define properties and methods for it.
- 設置關鍵幀自定義屬性過濾器Set Key Custom Attributes Filter
- 如何定義屬性?How to Define an Attribute?
- 可以用兩種方法配置解析器:功能和屬性。You can configure parsers in two ways: features and properties.
- 返回當前類型的所有自定義屬性,可以將這些屬性分配給指定類型。Returns all the custom attributes of the current type that are assignable to a specified type.
- 表單Web部件的自定義屬性Custom property of the Form Web Part
- 在方法或屬性后不允許域定義Field definition not allowed after methods or properties
- 如何定義屬性關係的關係類型How to: Define the Relationship Type of an Attribute Relationship
- 決策樹的結點屬性選擇和修剪方法研究The Research on Attribute Selection of Node and Pruning of Decision-tree
- 自定義屬性數據待檢索的模塊。The module whose custom attribute data is to be retrieved.
- 網頁查看器Web部件的自定義屬性Custom properties of the Page Viewer Web Part
- 提供控制串列埠文件資源的方法和屬性。Provides methods and properties for controlling a serial port file resource.
- 以文字形式生成自定義屬性Blob。Produces custom attribute blobs in verbal form.