- 完全Bell基測量complete Bell state measurement
- Bell基聯合測量Bell's joint measurement
- Bell基測量Bell state measurement
- 發送者Alice對原子1和2進行Bell基測量后並通過經典通道把測量結果告訴接收者Bob,Bob再把原子3和一個輔助原子A同時注入一個單模真空腔場。After receiving the result of Bell-state measurement performed by Alice on atoms 1 ant 2, Bob lets atoms 2 and auxiliary atom A simultaneously interact with a single-mode vacuum cavity.
- 不完全imperfectness
- 上方陸基測量導出熱帶捲雲特性的估價Evaluation of tropical cirrus cloud properties derived from ECMWF model output and ground based measurements over Nauru Island
- 不完全的lame
- 對流層污染物空基測量的天氣尺度大氣CO的大水平梯度Large horizontal gradients in atmospheric CO at the synoptic scale as seen by spaceborne Measurements of Pollution in the Troposphere
- Bell態原子與腔場拉曼相互作用的輻射譜Emission Spectrum From Two- atom in Bell Basis States Through the Raman Interaction With a Cavity- field
- Bell態原子與大失諧腔相互作用的輻射譜Emission Spectrum from a Two-Atom System in Bell States Interacting with a Large-Detuned Cavity Field
- 那是完全出我意料之外的事情。It is the very last thing I expected.
- 自由基free radical
- "我認為路易斯相當懶。" "完全相反!她工作的確很努力。""I think Louise is rather lazy." "Far from it! She works very hard indeed."
- 胺基amidocyanogen
- 他完全沒有責任感。He is completely lacking in responsibility.
- 通過旋轉操作和計算基測量實現幾率量子隱形傳態Probabilistic teleportation via rotation operation and computation basis measurement
- 他完全沒有履行他的職責。He failed completely in the performance of his duty.
- 樁基pile foundation work
- 他完全是無辜的。There is no doubt about his innocence.
- 巰基hydrosulphonyl