- 誠實守紀。Honest and very orderly personality.
- 頌揚獨裁政治,反對民主政治,宣傳「安分守紀」、「嚴守國法」,使人民任其宰割。They also sing the praises of autocracy,oppose democracy and encourage people to "abide by state laws" in an attempt to trample upon them at will.
- 紀period
- 守to guard
- 而那些孤單生活,只有狗陪伴的人,如果沒有這隻狗,他就有可能在憤怒下犯罪,在貧窮時偷竊搶劫,因為周圍沒有家人讓他們顧及,而寵物則讓他們感受到溫情和責任,讓他們穩定而守紀。But these lonelily live, only has the person which the dog accompanies, if does not have this dog, he has the possibility under the anger the crime, in the poor time larceny robs, because periphery does not have the family member to let them take into consideration, but favors the laws of nature to let them feel the tender feeling and the responsibility, lets them stabilize maintains discipline.
- 守時punctual
- 城守castellan
- 紀梵希Givenchy
- 第四紀Quaternary period
- 守時的punctual
- 三疊紀Trias
- 擅離職守absent without leave
- 第三紀tertiary
- 守住fascination
- 墨守陳規ideologism
- 泥盆紀Devonian
- 不守時間是他的最大缺點。Not being punctual is his greatest shortcoming.
- 二疊紀Permian (period)
- 無人值守unattended operation
- 他不守紀律。He is not subject to discipline.