- 季銨型CPAMquaternary ammonium CPAM
- 季銨型CPAM的合成及其助留助濾作用The synthesis of quaternary ammonium CPAM and its role for retention and filtration aid
- 季銨型樹脂quaternary ammonium type resin
- 季銨型澱粉Quaternary Ammonium Starch
- 季銨型柔軟劑quaternary ammonium softener
- 烷基季銨型樹脂quaternary alkylammonium type resin
- 銨型混床ammonium type mixed bed
- 弛肌碘,三碘季銨酚,三乙碘化沒食子銨,皮羅拉克松,弗來西德,沒食子銨,碘化沒酚銨Parexyl
- 銨型6F22電池ammonium chloride 6F22 battery
- 弛肌碘,三碘季銨酚,三乙碘化沒食子銨,皮羅拉克松,弗米西德,沒食子銨,碘化沒酚銨Gallamine Triethiodide
- 銨型鋅錳電池用化學錳的研製Preparation of CMD Using in NH_4Cl Type MnO_2 Batteries
- 聚季銨polyquaternary amine
- 白屈菜季銨鹼chelerythrine
- 酯交換季銨型陽離子蓖麻油加脂劑的製備及性能研究Study on Preparation and Characterization of Ester Interchanged Quaternary Ammonium Cationic Castor Oil
- 季銨氮quaternary nitrogen
- 季銨聚合物quaternary ammonium polymer
- 季銨基quaternary ammonium group
- 六甲季銨hexamethonium
- 六烴季銨hexamethonium
- 季烷基銨型樹脂quaternary alkyl ammonium type resin