- 存儲區域網SANStore Area Network
- 存儲區域網storage area networks
- 網network
- 存儲區域網實際上是一種處理存儲需求的獨立網路。A Storage Area Network (SAN) is really nothing more than a separate network to handle storage needs.
- 在存儲區域網(SAN)上多個客戶機之間共享數據,說起來容易做起來難。Sharing data across multiple clients on a Storage-Area Network (SAN) is easier said than done.
- 列印區域print area
- 網迷network fan
- 內網Intranet
- 電腦網computer network
- 網的retiary
- 例如,在此情況下,存儲區域網路可以支持1,075個HKW郵箱。For example, in this scenario, the storage area network can support 1,075 HKW mailboxes.
- 網關gateway
- 網線reticle
- 搜索網dragnet
- 緩衝區:暫態性存儲區域,用於平衡鄰接設備不同的速度。Buffer: Temporary storage used to compensate for the different speed of adjacent.
- 網管network management
- 網速wire speed
- 存儲區域網路基於主機介面卡的負載均衡Load Balancing Based on Host Bus Adapters for Storage Area Networks
- 乙太網Ethernet
- 淘寶網Taobao