- 姿態控制AgentAttitude Control Agent
- 基於強化學習的指揮控制Agent適應性模擬研究Simulation on Adaptive Mode of Command and Control Agent Based on Reinforcement Learning
- 基於網格的企業價值生產控制Agent模型應用研究Grid-based Automation and Control Agent Model for Value Production of the Extended Enterprise
- 建立了基於BDI模型的優化控制Agent和診斷控制Agent;The optimal control agent and the diagnosis control agent based on the BDI(Belief-Desire-Intention) model were constructed.
- 姿態控制是由發動機擺動而得到的,擺動度最大為±7°。Attitude control is obtained by gimballing the engine up to ±7 degrees.
- 航天器三軸姿態控制spacecraft three-axis attitude control
- 基於控制有效性因子的衛星姿態控制系統在軌重構容錯控制Satellite Attitude Control System On-Orbit Reconfigurable Faul-Tolerant Control Based on the Control Effectiveness Factor
- 基於反饋線性化和變結構控制的飛行器姿態控制系統設計Design for aerocraft attitude control system based on feedback-linearization and variable-structure-control
- 航天器姿態控制執行機構attitude control actuator of spacecraft
- 複合姿態控制compound attitude control
- 姿態控制模型Attitude control model
- 自主姿態控制Autonomous attitude control
- 盾構姿態控制shield guise control
- 模型姿態控制simulated attitude controlling
- 導彈姿態控制Missile attitude control
- 魚雷姿態控制torpedo attitude control
- 具有撓性附件的全充液剛體耦合系統的姿態控制動力學與穩定性Attitude control dynamics and stability of coupled system with rigid body filled with full liquid and attached to a flexible appendage
- 姿態控制發動機attitude control engine
- 姿態控制推力器attitude control thruster
- 姿態控制穩定度Attitude control stability