- 奔騰III處理處理器Pentium III processor
- 奔騰III處理器A Pentium III processor
- 英特爾?奔騰III處理器有哪些新特點?What's new about the Intel? Pentium? III processor?
- 數據處理data processing
- 未處理的unsettled
- 因此,在X微處理處理器的流水線上,設計了專門用於執行地址轉換的功能部件,地址生成單元(AGU:Address Generation Unit)。The address generation unit (AGU) is a key component of the memory management unit and is used to compute the Effective Address and Linear Address of the location being addressed in memory.
- 表面處理superficial treatment
- 后處理post treatment
- 污水處理sewage disposal
- 奔騰IV處理器在英國現標價約為800英鎊。The Pentium IV processor is priced at about 800 pounds in Britain.
- 圖像處理image processing
- 處理方法processing method
- 防腐處理embalmment
- 水處理water treatment
- 文件處理file manipulation
- 事務處理transaction processing
- 處理問題handling problem
- 處理方式mode of processing
- 處理數據processing data
- 待處理請求pending request