- 風奏琴eolian harp
- 風奏琴音調aeolian tone
- 四下無語,靜奏琴曲。Silent music starts to play.
- 琴(mus. instr.)
- 奏present a memorial
- 變奏variation
- 浪琴Longines; vibraphone
- 重奏reprise
- 三重奏trio
- 琴棋書畫lute-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting
- 琴酒gin
- 五重奏quintet
- 琴瑟be on friendly terms
- 風琴在奏鳴。The organ is playing.
- 鋼片琴用鎚子敲擊可發出鈴聲似的聲音的帶鍵盤和金屬片的樂器An instrument with a keyboard and metal plates struck by hammers that produce bell-like tones.
- 聽眾要求那鋼琴家再奏一曲。The audience encored the pianist.
- 釘琴nail violin
- 重奏一支歌曲reprise a song
- 琴島Qindao
- 市府樂隊首先奏國歌。The town band led off by playing the National Anthem.