- 頭顱MRIcranial MRI
- 新型隱球菌性腦膜腦炎的臨床和頭顱MRI 6例分析Clinical features and MRI for the diagnosis of 6 cases of cryptococcal meningoencephalitis
- 全部行頭顱MRI平掃檢查,其中10例行磁共振靜脈血管造影(MRV)檢查,5例行Gd-DTPA增強掃描。All cases underwent MRI cerebral conventional examination, 10 of them had MR venous angiography(MRV), 5 cases underwent enhanced MRI scan.
- 治療隨訪期間觀察患者的臨床表現、神經系統癥狀,定期複查外周血白細胞數、頭顱MRI、頭顱CT。During the treatment period, clinical manifestations were observed closely and scheduled CBC, scheduled head CT or scheduled brain MRI were performed.
- 頭顱head
- 所有患者術前均行頭顱MRI、MRA及數字減影血管造影(DSA),其中8例治療後行MRI及MRA複查,對比分析患者MRI及MRA影像表現。The MRA and MRI of the brain were obtained in all of the 14 patients before interventional therapy, MRA and MRI appearance of 8 cases were compared with the DSA appearances.
- 他兩根肋骨被折斷,頭顱骨折。He had two broken ribs and a fractured skull.
- MRIMagnetic resonance imaging(MRI)
- 這個頭顱準是在古西臘,羅馬時代被找到並被謹慎地保存過。This head must have been found in Classical times and carefully preserved.
- MRI表現Tomography
- 顱腦MRIcerebral MRI
- 通過手術切開頭顱骨Surgical incision into the skull.
- 增強MRIenhanced MRI
- 脊椎動物的頭顱The skull of a vertebrate.
- MRI系統MRI system
- 頭顱病craniopathia; craniopathy
- 頭顱縫Suture of skull
- MRI成像magnetic resonance imaging