- 頭顱測量X射線照片cephalometric roentgenogam
- 頭顱測量X射線照相術cephalometric roentgenogtaphy
- 狹縫法測量X射線斑點大小Slit X-ray spot size measurement technique
- 頭顱測量X線片cephalometric roentgenogram
- 頭顱測量X線(照)片cephalometric roentgenogram
- 關於乳房的軟組織的X射線照片X-ray film of the soft tissue of the breast
- 頭顱測量X線攝影術cephalometric roentgenography
- 頭顱測量X線攝影術,X線測顱法cephalometric roentgenography
- 測量X光透鏡扭曲度實驗方法的建立Establishing Experimental Method to Measure the Torsion Resistance of Monolithic X-ray Lens
- 醫生認為我並未骨折,但他正等著看X射線照片.The doctor doesn't think I've broken a bone but he's waiting to see the X-rays.
- 小角X射線絕對強度測量方案A Project on Weasarement of Small-angle X-ray Scattering Absolute Intensity
- 頭顱測量X線照片cephalometric roentgenogram
- 用一種新型濾波熒光譜儀測量X光輻射溫度The measurement of X-rays radiation temperature with a new developed filter-fluorescence spectroscopy
- 頭顱測量的cephalometric
- X射線照片skiagram
- 頭顱測量計cranimeter
- 評估射線照相數字化系統性能的參考射線照片Reference Radiograph for Evaluating the Performance of Radiographic Digitization Systems
- 頭顱測量軸cephalometric axis
- 對肺部作X射線攝影to sciagraph the lung
- 頭顱測量法craniometry