- 天花板懸挂式C形臂ceiling suspended C-arm
- 根據高產、高效綜采工作面的特殊要求及在使用刮板輸送機中遇到的問題,對刮板輸送機的中部槽的具體結構進行了分析,設計出鑄造封底分體式C形中部槽,使用后取得了良好效果。According to the special desire for high production and efficiency in compound mining face and questions met in using scraper conveyor,analyzed on the structure of linepan and designed the C-linepan with casting back over and divided body .It has achieved good result after using.
- C形臂機C arm
- 讓我們正視事實,你上了年紀不能參加懸挂式滑翔運動。Let's face it; you're getting too old to go hang gliding.
- 又形臂Yoke
- 嵌入式C語言Embedded C language
- 鐮形臂尾輪蟲Brachionus forcatus
- 懸挂式吸聲天花板suspended acoustic ceilling
- C形C-shape
- 圓台區分求表面積式C%<±0.02%,MSD%<0.13%。Sectional measurement by means of cone frustum surface area formula C%25 was < 0.02%25, and MSD%25 was<0. 13%25.
- 形似海星的動物,易碎的鞭形臂從中間小圓盤放射伸出。an animal resembling a starfish with fragile whiplike arms radiating from a small central disc.
- 內德過去是一名深水潛水員,現在他已走到另一個極端,開始從事懸挂式滑行運動。Ned used to be a scuba diver and now he's gone to the other extreme and taken up hang gliding.
- C形架C shaped frame
- 形似海星的動物,易碎的鞭形臂從中間小圓盤放射伸出an animal resembling a starfish with fragile whiplike arms radiating from a small central disc
- 中間軸驅動裝置固定對彈性懸挂式機車動力學性能的影響Impact of locomotives with flexible drive dynamics performance by the middle-axis driving equipments fixed on bogie frame
- 全波升壓式C-dump變換器發電運行時兩種工作模式的分析與比較Simulation and Comparison of Separate Operating Mode and Combining Operating Mode of Full-Wave Boosting C-dump Converter
- 圓柱形的columniform
- [摔角]扼臂hammerlock
- c形換輥鉤c hook roll changer
- 懸挂式模具(刀)組座,可提高模具,刀具的更換速度。Hanging moulds (knives) seat can increase replacing speed.