- 她有靠山。She has a friend at court.
- 有to have
- 有很好的靠山,大有成功的可能Go in with good cards
- 有靠山have backing; have an influential supporter
- 有點rather
- 背後有靠山have sb. to rely upon; be well looked after by others
- 要有need
- 他的同事們正計劃到不大有人去的地方度暑假。His colleagues are planning to go somewhere off the beaten track for the summer holidays.
- 自恃有靠山count on sb.'s backing
- 由於您在醫療方面學識淵博,經驗豐富,對我院一定大有幫助。With your profound knowledge and experience in the medical field,I'm sure that you will help our hospital tremendously.
- 終身有靠depend on sb. all one's life
- 這種戰法,比較單純的正面防禦大有區別。This way of fighting is vastly different from purely frontal defence.
- 有靠窗的台嗎?Is there any table by the window?
- 靠山backer
- 細菌比動物細胞更少受到鹽的滲透作用的影響,因細菌的細胞壁不大有滲透性。Bacteria are less affected by the osmotic effect of salt than animal cells because bacterial cell walls are less permeable.
- 有靠窗的座位嗎?Could I have a window seat?
- 他聲稱創造了新紀錄,那可大有爭議.He made some very disputable claims about his record.
- 我們去野營的計劃大有實現的可能。Plans for our camping are shaping up very well.
- 有靠著鑽身的硬頂和切邊的一種鑽井鑽頭。a drilling bit with cutting edges usually hard-tipped against wear.
- 但天龍山岩體明顯偏北,大有脫離東西向分佈向北東「飄移」之勢。But Tianlongshan body is obviously northward "drift".