- 大容量IGBThigh power IGBT
- 容量capacity
- 大容量和複式濾芯Large capacity and doubled filter
- [醫] 最大容量max. cap.
- 最大容量,裝滿filled to capacity
- 如果filter_clause為NULL,將添加所有大容量載入的行。If filter_clause is null, all bulk loaded rows are added.
- 若要加快大容量導入數據的速度,SQL Server提供了下列方法To speed up the bulk import of data, SQL Server provides you with the following methods
- 單次大容量a single large volume
- 高壓大容量high - voltage high capacity
- 大容量快閃記憶體large flash memory
- 大容量圖案mass capacity pattern
- 大容量高壓High power and middle-voltage
- 大容量電阻片high capacity resistance piece
- 大容量火電廠large behavior capacity power plant
- 大容量預焙槽large capacity pre- baked anode pot
- 大容量變壓器large capacity transformer
- 大容量路由表large route table
- 大容量注射劑LVP
- 大容量罐基礎the ground of large--size tank
- 從查詢中複製,僅當從查詢大容量複製數據時才必須指定此選項。Copies from a query and must be specified only when bulk copying data from a query.