- 多用戶MIMO下行鏈路multiuser multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) downlink
- 一種在聯合發送多用戶下行鏈路中的半聯合優化傳輸演算法A semi-joint optimization transmission algorithm in joint transmission multiuser downlinks
- 多用戶MIMO系統Multiuser MIMO system
- 部分反饋信息下多用戶多輸入多輸出下行鏈路的容量優化Capacity Optimization in Multiuser Multiple Input Multiple Output Downlink with Partial Feedback Information
- 多用戶MIMO-OFDM系統multiuser MIMO-OFDM system
- 最多maximum
- 方式中下行鏈路壓縮模式的接收及實現方法Receiving and Implementation Method of Down-link Compressed Mode in WCDMA FDD
- 多用戶MIMOmulti-user MIMO
- 在通信鏈路上出現的噪音或無用的信號,它損害語音、數據的接收或正確的解釋。On a communications link, noise or unwanted signals that impair the receipt or correct interpretation of speech or data.
- 無線下行鏈路radio downlink
- 頻率選擇性通道下行多用戶MIMO系統預處理Preprocessing Technique for Multiuser MIMO Downlink System over Frequency-Selective Fading Channel
- 下行鏈路載波downlink carrier
- 多用戶合作cooperative method
- 多用戶檢測multiuser detection
- MIMO系統中鏈路自適應技術的研究Researches on Link Adaptation in MIMO System
- 多用戶接收multiuser receiver
- 下行鏈路公式down link equation
- 多用戶網路multi user network
- 下行跟蹤鏈路downlink converter