- 多烤貝單鏈DNAmulticopy single-stranded DNA
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- 多multi-
- 用噬菌體M13mp18單鏈DNA作探針,對二花臉和大約克夏豬進行了DNA指紋的研究。A study on DNA fingerprints of Erhualian and Large Yorkshire pigs was carried out using bacteriophage M13mp18 single strand DNA probe.
- 多拷貝數Multi-copy cassette
- 單鏈DNAsingle-stranded DNA; ssDNA
- 多拷貝串聯multi-copy in tandem
- 最多maximum
- 多拷貝整合mutilple copy integration
- 直線單鏈DNAsingle-stranded linear DNA
- 多拷貝基因multiple copy gene
- 環狀單鏈DNAsingle-stranded cyclic DNA
- 多拷貝控制器multiple-copy control
- 多拷貝平均法multiple copy averaging
- 單鏈DNA病毒single-stranded DNA viruses
- 多拷貝同時搜尋Multiple copy simultaneous search
- 多拷貝同時搜尋法(MCSS)Multi-copy simultaneous search (MCSS)
- 單鏈 DNAsingle-stranded DNA; ssDNA
- FLP介導的釀酒酵母rDNA多拷貝定點整合FLP-mediated Multicopy Targeted Integration into the Ribosomal DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
- 轉錄DNA單鏈master strand