- 多元長記憶SV模型及其在滬深股市的應用Multivariate long memory SV model and its application to Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets
- 多元SV模型Multivariate SV Model
- 更多more
- 多multi-
- Box-Cox-SV模型Box-Cox-SV model
- SV模型下的期權定價和風險計量Using SV Model to Price Option and Measure its Risk
- 最多maximum
- 多元multivariant
- 多元論者堅持多元論的人One who adheres to pluralism.
- 多元研究general studies.
- 這筆生意盈餘2萬多元。There is a profit of over 20,000 yuan from the transaction.
- 多母音diphthong
- 多元鍍multi-component plating
- 多元式plural mode
- 多元的佛教The many faces of Buddhism
- 多元並存coexistence of the multiplicity
- 多元兼容compatible multi-element
- 多元共聚compolymerization
- 多元共存diverse coexistence
- 多元損傷diverse damage