- 蛋馥酥fragrant egg crisp
- 瓜馥木oldham fissistigma root
- 複選框check box
- 馥賚堂Franklin-Ray Hall
- 香氣芬馥give off a rare fragrance
- 複變函數complex function
- 殘膏剩馥the lingering fragrance of leftover cream
- 麝馥蘭香breath of musk and the scent of orchids; breath of musk and the scent of orchids
- 複檢recheck
- 馥奇香精fougere perfume
- 復得regain
- 瓜馥木鹼fissistigine
- 複選Multi
- 花香郁馥The flowers smell sweet
- 復現multiple appearance
- 瓜馥木屬Fissistigma
- 芬芳郁馥rich in fragance; both fragrant and beautiful
- 複測check survey
- 蘭薰掛馥as fragrant as orchids and cassia
- 復配compound