- 複雜mRNAcomplex mRNA
- 複雜的事intrigue
- 飛機引擎是種複雜的機械裝置。An airplane engine is a complex mechanism.
- 複雜句complex sentence
- 複雜多變complicated and changeable
- mRNA帽mRNA cap
- 我懷著一種既好笑又不相信的複雜心情聽了他的辯解。I listened to his excuse with a mixture of amusement and disbelief.
- 前 mRNApremessenger RNA
- 前mRNApre-mRNA; premessenger RNA(pre-mRNA)
- 手續繁瑣複雜,不一而足。The modes of procedure are various and many.
- 複雜情況the ins and the outs
- 複雜的心情mixed feelings
- 這個主題太複雜,我無法只通過簡略的研究就對它做出公正的評價The subject is so complex that I cannot do justice to it in a brief survey.
- 人體是一個非常複雜的有機體。The human body is a very complicated organization.
- 情節變得複雜了。The plot thickened.
- 我們正面對著一個極複雜的問題。We are facing a problem of great complexity.
- 這個問題非常複雜,我恐怕現在還不能給你明確的答覆。The question is very complicated and I'm afraid I cannot yet give you a clear-cut answer.
- 安裝在新飛行器上的電子器件非常複雜The electronics aboard the new aircraft are very sophisticated.