- 複式倒V形亞麻堆sheigh
- 在這種組織中,在預定的區間內將斜紋的斜向反向配置,以形成一系列倒V形紋路。In this design, the twill direction is reversed at predetermined intervals to form a series of inverted Vs.
- 人字形圖記一種形似倒V字的紋章圖案A device shaped like an inverted V.
- 堆heap
- 一堆pile
- 成形shaped
- 堆疊stack
- 異形heteromorphism
- 大堆pile
- 形的aitch
- 倒出swill
- 堆場heap
- 用刀在木頭上刻V形凹痕notch wood with a knife
- 倒掉outwell
- 六角形hexagon
- 心形heart-shaped
- 八邊形octagon
- 楔形cuniform
- 八角形octagon
- 拔河比賽以兩邊的人都倒在一堆而告終。The tug of war ended when both teams tumbled in a heap.