- 基於FPGA的非同步FIFO設計Asynchronous FIFO Design Based on FPGA
- 讀寫數據寬度不同的非同步FIFO設計Asynchronous FIFO Design with Different Data Width between Reading and Writing
- 基於FPGA非同步FIFO的研究與實現Research and Implementation of Asynchronous FIFO Based on FPGA
- 基於FPGA的盲均衡技術在油井工作狀態檢測系統中應用研究Application and Research of the Blind Equalizer Technology in the Oil Well Working Status Inspection System Based on FPGA
- 一種基於格雷碼的非同步FIFO設計與實現A Design and Realization of Asynchronous FIFO Based on Gray Code
- 基於FPGA的輪詢合路的設計和實現The Design and implement of the Round Robin Combine Based on the FPGA
- 非同步FIFO的FPGA實現Asynchronous FIFO Implementation Using FPGA
- 基於FPGA的多極旋轉變壓器粗、精數據組合雙速處理器的設計與實現Design and Implementation of Coarse-Fine Code Combination for Multiple Resolver Based on FPGA
- 基於FPGA的數字相位計在煤礦提升機激光測距系統中的應用The research of digital phasometer based on FPGA in laser range system of mine hoister
- 傳統的非同步FIFO設計採用同步讀寫地址后比較產生空滿標誌的方法,面積大、工作頻率低。Traditional FIFO design often synchronizes write/read address first,then compares them to generate empty/full signals.
- 基於FPGA的CIC濾波器實現Implementation of CIC Filter Based on FPGA
- 非同步FIFO中存儲單元的分析設計Analysis and Design of Memory Cell of Asynchronous FIFO
- 基於FPGA的可編程片上系統SOPC System on Programmable Chip Based on FPGA
- 一款低功耗非同步FIFO的設計與實現Design and Realization of a Low Power Asynchronous FIFO
- 基於FPGA的CSD編碼乘法器Research on multiplier of CSD based on FPGA
- 基於FPGA的BOC調製技術研究The Research on BOC Modulation Technology Based on FPGA
- 基於FPGA的DVB-ASI設計Design of the DVB-ASI based on FPGA
- 基於FPGA的高速數傳系統研究Study of High Speed Data Transmission System Based on FPGA
- 基於FPGA的簡易誤碼儀設計Design of a Simple Bit Error Rate Tester Based on FPGA
- 基於FPGA的格雷互補碼的實現The Design of Golay Complementary Code Based on FPGA