- 您已經建立了能夠與基於COM的伺服器進行交互的Java代碼。You ve created Java code that interacts with a COM-based server.
- 通過分析COM技術及拓撲圖組件的特點,按照面向對象的軟體設計思想,給出了基於COM的通用拓撲圖組件設計和實現方法。By analyzing the characteristics of COM and graph of topology component the design and implementation method of general graph of topology component based on COM technique is given in term of the OO design for the software.
- Web服務是基於標準XML通信協議的松耦合的可互操作的軟體組件。Web services are loosely coupled, interoperable software components based on standard XML communication protocols.
- 基於COM的通用郵件管理組件的設計與實現Design and realization of common email management component based on COM
- 用於估算太陽輻射的軟體組件A software component for estimating solar radiation
- popfax.com的用戶界面允許一個接一個地發送傳真,也支持一天內發送幾十個傳真。The user interface makes fax sending one by one very easy and is user-friendly enough to easily facilitate the sending of ten or twenty or so faxes per day.
- 基於COM的OpenGL組件技術The Technology of OpenGL Component Based on COM
- 這種環境的軟體配置相當簡單,因為所有軟體組件都在一台計算機上安裝和運行。Software configuration for this environment would be rather simple as all software components are installed and run on a single computer.
- 基於COM的三層客戶/伺服器模型The Three-layer Client/Server Model Based on COM
- 要使它有用,我們需要一個功能不僅限於發送和接收包的軟體組件。To be useful, we need a software component that does more than simply send and receive packets.
- 您一註冊成為JEBet.com的會員以後,您可以開始因樂趣遊戲。Once you register as a member of JEBet. Com, you can begin playing for fun.
- 基於COM的CRM應用系統開發研究A Study on the CRM Application System Based on COM
- 此程序將記錄要安裝的軟體組件、已安裝的組件以及可供安裝的組件。It keeps track of what you are about to install, software components that you have already installed, and components that are available for you to install.
- Windows平台下基於COM組件技術的WebMail系統設計與實現The Design and Implimentation of WebMail System Based on COM Technology on Windows
- 關於基於EJB的J2EE和基於COM+的Windows DNA技術的對比Technical Comparison of J2EE with EJB and Windows DNA with COM+
- 使用封裝器與基於COM的應用程序交互Using Wrappers to Interact with COM-based Applications
- 因此,提供程序是指任何一個實現OLE DB介面來封裝數據訪問並將其向其他對象(即,使用者)公開的軟體組件。Thus, a provider is any software component that implements OLE DB interfaces to encapsulate access to data and expose it to other objects (that is, consumers).
- 基於COM技術的圖形化繼電保護整定計算系統的設計與開發Design and Development of Graphical Relay Protection Setting Calculation System Based on COM Technology
- 組件對象模型 ( COM)技術是一種新的軟體開發方法。Com ponent object m odel COM technology is a new method to develop software.