- 培養環境pHenvironment pH
- 結果表明,3種菌株在生長過程中均可產酸,使環境pH值降低。The results showed that all bactria can produce organic acid in the media, reduce pH value and endure organic acid growing.
- 培養環境culture environment
- 而紅色磨拉石建造中風化離解的Fe,Mn物質對沉澱環境pH值起著一定的調節作用。The Fe Mn mass dissociated by weathering in the red molasse formation can partly adjust the pH of sedimentary environments.
- 培養culture
- 人輔助生育技術培養環境的質量控制The quality control of culture condition in human assisted reproductive technology
- 高校科技人才培養環境設計的原則Some Principle of Environmental Project in Training Scientific andTechnical Personnel in Universities
- 有機氮在氨化、硝化過程中,會釋放出H~+,引起環境pH值下降,兩者有明顯的負相關關係,在蘆葦和茭草濕地的相關係數分別為-0.8181(n=27)和-0.6932(n=19)。In the process of ammonification, nitrification of organic N, H+ will be released, which causes the drop of pH value. There is significant negative relationship between TN and pH value. The coefficients of TN and pH in reed and wild rice sediments are -0.8181 (n=27) and -0.6932 (n=19) respectively.
- 產學研合作培養環境工程創新型人才的研究與實踐Research and Practice of Cooperative Education of Enterprise-University-Institute for Environmental Engineering Innovating Talents
- 試論體育院校創造型教師培養環境的建立。Establishment of environment of nurturing creative teachers in institutes of P.E.
- 人才培養personnel training
- 培養人才training of personnel; train men for profession
- 他們出了一本有關環境惡化的小冊子。They issued a pamphlet concerning the worsening environment.
- 組織培養tissue culture
- 人類和環境競爭。The human being struggles with his environment.
- 聯合培養dual culture
- 他很快適應了新的環境。He made a quick adaptation to the new environment.
- 細胞培養cell culture
- 培養的[醫] cultural
- 適宜野營的理想環境an ideal setting for camping