- 塊H-矩陣的刻畫Equivalent Conditions of Block H-Matrices
- 塊H矩陣block H-matrix
- 塊H-矩陣block H-matrices
- 塊H-矩陣的簡捷判據Some simple and convenient criteria for block H-matrices
- 添加單獨的圖層,更精細的刻畫頭髮。用減淡工具添加亮度。Layer flattened and more flayed hairs added. Applied fine highlights using dodge tool.
- 塊H-矩陣與塊矩陣的譜Block H-Matrices and Spectrum of Block Matrices
- 隨著經濟迅速發展,中國在國際舞台上的地位變得愈來愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 微型畫通常畫在象牙或羔羊皮紙等上的刻畫入微的微型畫A small painting executed with great detail, often on a surface such as ivory or vellum.
- 論利用相似矩陣的性質來確定矩陣中未知元素方法的完整性On the Integrality of the Methods by Using the Properties of Similar Matrices to Confirm Unknown Elements
- 反之,對反面人物暴力行為的刻畫卻是邪惡、災難性的。while violent acts by bad ones were most often dark or sinister.
- 超立方體多處理機系統中基於擴展最優通路矩陣的容錯路由A Fault-Tolerant Routing Strategy Based on Extended Optimal Path Matrices in Hypercube Multi-Computers
- 遮陽板汽車擋風玻璃上一塊用以擋強烈陽光的固定不動的擋板A fixed or movable shield against glare attached above the windshield of an automotive vehicle.
- 畫家對老農面部作了極為精細的刻畫,展現了他的個性。The painter meticulously drew the facial expression of the figure to reveal his personality.
- 您可以使用角部單元顯示矩陣的標籤,也可以讓其保留為空。You can use the corner cell to display a label for the matrix, or you can leave it empty.
- 關於Oka層的刻畫A characterization on Oka sheaves
- PTW整環的刻畫Some Charaterizations of PTW Domains
- 矩陣的群逆group inverse
- 一類正交射的刻畫Characterization of an Orthographic Projection
- 矩陣的乘積product of two matrices