



  • - (臀部放在物體上支持體重) sit; be seated; take a seat:

    sit in a sofa; 坐在沙發上

    sit down for a chat 坐下來談談

    - (乘; 搭) travel by; take:

    travel by train; 坐火車旅行

    take a bus to work 坐公共汽車上班

    - (房屋背對著某一方向) have the back towards:

    This house faces south. 這所房子坐北朝南。

    - (把鍋、壺等放在爐火上) put (a pan, kettle, etc.) on a fire:

    put a kettle of cold water on (the fire) 坐一壺水

    - (建築物由於基礎不穩固而下沉) (of a building) sink; subside:

    The wall is beginning to slope backwards. 這堵牆往後坐了。

    - (槍炮由於反作用而向後移動) (of rifles, guns, etc.) recoil; kick back:

    The old rifle kicks badly. 這支老式步槍坐得厲害。

    - (瓜果等植物結實) bear (fruit); form (seed):

    bear fruits 坐果

    - (指定罪) be punished; be accused for crime:

    be implicated in crime; 連坐

    be punished for unfounded accusation against another 反坐

  • - (坐位) seat; place:

    sit in one's seat 就坐

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Zuo Chun 坐春

  • - (因為) because; for the reason that:

    be dismissed on this account; be relieved of one's duties for this reason 坐此解職

  • - (表示無緣無故) for no reason at all; without cause or reason



  1. 父親每晚都坐在同一張椅子上,
    Father sits in the same chair every evening.
  2. 她在樹底下靜靜地坐著。
    She sat very still under the tree.
  3. 他坐在沙發上,點燃了一隻香煙。
    He had his seat in the sofa and lit a cigar.
  4. 你要不要看/坐一會呢?
    Would you care to sit down for a while?
  5. 這位子有人坐嗎?
    Is this seat taken?
  6. 我坐在庭院里享受明媚的陽光。
    I was sitting in the garden enjoying the sunshine.
  7. 他們坐在涼亭里,邊喝茶邊聊天。
    They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea.


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