- 地方NGOthe local NGO
- 冰封的小溪成為滑冰的好地方。The frozen brook makes a good slide.
- 孩子們被帶到一個安全的地方。The children were led to a place of safety.
- NGONon - governmental Organizations
- 那兒有羊吃過草的平整的地方。There were smooth areas where sheep had pastured.
- 東亞NGOeast Asia NGO
- 地方檢查官起訴不履行債務的債務人。The district attorney processed against the defaulting debtor.
- 生態NGOecological NGO
- 地方政府的結構還很不完善。The mechanism of local government is far from perfect.
- 環境NGOenvironmental NGO
- 這地方我不熟悉。The place is strange to me.
- 林業NGOforest NGO
- 環保NGOEnvironmental Protective NGO
- 天氣好的時候公園是人們愛去的地方。A park is a place of popular resort in good weather.
- 農村NGOrural NGO
- 這地方有過水荒。There was a famine of water in this locality.
- 全國許多地方都種小麥。Wheat is grown in various parts of the country.
- NGO組織NGO' s
- 那隻鞋什麼地方太緊?Where does that shoe pinch?