- 在VB中對并行口編程Programming the Parallel Ports in VB Language
- 在VB中通過OLE和DAO技術集成Office系列軟體到應用程序中To Make Use of OLE and DAO Technology Integrate Microsoft Office Serial Software into a Application Program in Visual Basic
- 這個程序實現了一個主程序回調模式,它使用了在vb中定義的兩個介面。This application implements a proprietary callback scheme using two Interfaces defined within VB.
- 這個應用程序演示了如何在VB中在一個用戶繪製的圖形中繪製許多數學函數。This application demonstrates how to plot a number of mathematical functions on a user-drawn graph in VB.
- 布局在文學或藝術作品或建築計劃中對各構成元素進行的安排The arrangement of elements in a literary or artistic composition or an architectural plan.
- 我不喜歡他在自己新作中對這一主題的論述。I do not like his treatment of the theme in his new book.
- "那個市議員一直在對這個公司施加很大的壓力,要他們接受這批劣質原料。"That council member has been exerting a lot of pressure on the company to accept the raw material of low quality.
- 利用API函數在VB中實現文件管理How to Realize the Document Management in VB by means of API Function
- 她一生中對她影響最大的是她父親。The dominant influence in her life was her father.
- 雙介面動態鏈接庫在VB中的實現Implementation of Double Interface of DLL in VB
- 在VB中實現對FoxPro資料庫的訪問Implementation of Access to FoxPro Database based on VB
- 中斷神經中對傳導和興奮的暫時中斷A temporary suspension of conductivity or excitability in a nerve.
- 在典型的編程中,幾乎失去平衡的方面之一是對最終用戶體驗結果的忽視。One of the ways typical programming is most out of balance is in its neglect of the results an end-user experiences.
- 如何在VB中實現DataGrid網格中的下拉式編輯和修改How to Edit Value by Dropdown the Combo Box in DataGrid
- 他的社論中對政客的口頭攻擊使文章生機勃勃。he enlivened his editorials with barbed thrusts at politicians.
- IP組播是網路通信的重要方式之一,結合實際應用探討了IP組播技術在VB中的實現方法,並就如何在VB中利用消息處理函數實現WinSock非同步選擇(WSAsyncSelect)編程機制進行了介紹.IP multicast technology is one of the most important modes of internetwork communication. Discussion is made on the realization of IP multicast technology in VB (Visual Basic) on the basis of practical application. A brief survey is given about the realization of asynchronous select (WSAsyncSelect) programming facilities with message handling functional equation.
- 「標準方法」中對這種測定操作作了詳細說明。"Standard Methods" gives an adequate description of procedures of such determinations.
- VB中如何利用水晶報表控制項實現報表設計On fulfilling the design of report using crystal report in VB
- 在膜拜中對儀式或典禮重要性的誇大exaggerated emphasis on the importance of rites or ritualistic forms in worship