- 土壤DDT污染修復remediation of DDT in soil
- 紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)對有機氯農藥DDT污染土壤的修復研究Remediation of DDTs Contaminated Soil by Medicago Sativa
- 土壤污染修復remediation of contaminated soil
- 本文提出滴滴涕(DDT)的環境接觸量可用農田土壤DDT的實際含量來表示,此量應等於當年的施用量與土壤中累積的殘留量之和。It suggests that the environmental exposure of DDT can be exsressed as the actual content of DDT in agricultural soil which should be equal to the sum of both the application of DDT and its residu- al accumulation in the same year.
- 污染pollution
- 土壤soil
- 污染修復contamination remediation
- 環境污染environment pollution
- 污染的infectant
- 土壤的edaphic
- 地下水污染修復技術:可滲透反應牆Permeable Reactive Barrier as a Remedy Technology of Contaminated Groundwater
- 土壤微生物edaphon
- 白色污染white pollution
- 無污染free from contamination
- 噪音污染noise pollution
- 大氣污染atmospheric pollution
- 污染環境pollution of the environment
- 土壤修復soil remediation
- 地下水污染修復的可滲透性反應牆技術Permeable Reactive Barrier Technology for Remedy of Contaminated Groundwater
- 地下水有機污染修復的滲透反應格柵技術Permeable Reactive Barrier for Remediation of Organic-contaminated Groundwater