- 各政黨各人民團體團結一心、同舟共濟。All political parties and people's organizations unite as one,help each other and share weal and woe.
- 我們將會為愛心聯盟而生活.團結一心不可分離.We will live for love united. Come together undivided.
- 遭襲擊舉國上下團結一心,電子郵件功不可沒 (2001/09/17)Chain E-Mails Used to Rally Americans After Attacks (2001/09/17)
- 我已經目睹了這個國家怎樣地團結一心,解救震區群眾。I have witnessed how the entire nation united as one to rescue pople in the earthquake-hit areas.
- 不同人總有不同的想法跟態度,但我鼓勵你們排除這些不同而團結一心。Many of you I know have different views and attitudes, but I urge you to put aside these differences, and gather as one body.
- 但是團結一心的大家,經過了奇妙的創意,艱苦的排練,為我們獻上了一場精彩的晚會!We held together,after rummy originality and hard dry run,finally presented a wonderful evening.
- 團圓飯顯示了家庭在華族文化里的重要地位。 它可以加強凝聚力和家庭成員們團結一心的感覺。It underscores the supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture, and aimed at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion.
- 團圓飯顯示了家庭在華族文化里的重要地位。它可以加強凝聚力和家庭成員們團結一心的感覺。It underscores the supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture,and aimed at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion.
- 這個賽季我們有過歡笑,也有過淚水,但是下個賽季,我們仍會團結一心,再次去為贏得每一場勝利而努力。'We've gone through good times and bad times. But next season we'll be just as focused on trying to win as much as we can again.
- 對於華人來說,除夕夜的團圓飯是整個年頭裡最具意義的一餐,顯示了家庭在華族文化里的重要地位,可以加強凝聚力和家庭成員們團結一心的感覺。"It underscores the supreme importance of the family in Chinese culture, and aimed at strengthening the sense of togetherness and cohesion."