- 四次Diophantine方程quartic diophantine equation
- 三元四次Diophantine方程ternary quartic diophantine equation
- 三次Diophantine方程cubic Diophantine equation
- 高次Diophantine方程higher Diophantine equation
- 二次Diophantine方程quadrtic diophantine equation
- 4次Diophantine方程quartic diophantine equation
- 四次quartic
- 四次方quadruplicate
- 關於Diophantine方程X~3=NY~2+1On the Diophantine Eqouation X~3 = NY~2 + 1
- 四次的quartic
- 關於Diophantine方程y~2-k=x~3的算術級數整數解ON THE DIOPHANTINE y~2-k=x~3
- 求解Diophantine方程x~2+y~3=z~4的一種簡便方法One Simple Method on the Solution of Diophantine Equation x~2+y~3=z~4
- 四次元quartic element
- Diophantine方程Diophantine equation
- 上周有人從這個帳號里提了四次款。Someone made four drawings from this account last week.
- 三項純指數Diophantine方程trinomial pure exponential Diophantine equation
- 本世紀有四次大的地震。There were four major quakes in this century.
- P-ADIC方法求解DIOPHANTINE方程The Solution of Diophantine Equation by P-adic Methods
- 百萬之四次方quadrillion
- 大部分地區委員會每年開會四次。Most regional committees meet four times a year.