- 光著的腳板在硬地板上啪嗒啪嗒地走。Bare feet pattered along the hard floor.
- 老太太對那孩子大聲吆呵。The ole lady shouted at the boy.
- 雨滴滴嗒嗒打在屋頂上。The rain pattered on the roof.
- 樂呵buoyant; happy and gay
- 幾滴大雨點嗒嗒地打在樹葉上。A few big raindrops fell pattering upon the leaves.
- 我呵嬰孩癢,嬰孩笑了。The baby laughed when I gave her a tickle.
- 狗嗒塔地跑下樓梯。The dog pattered down the stairs.
- 她對他呵癢使他癢得討饒說是。She tickled him into saying yes.
- 照相機"卡嗒"一聲照下了他們的相片。The camera clicked and their picture was taken.
- 呵止SONG: shouter of warnings (one of many types of men authorized to form the retinue of an official in travel status)
- 打字機的嗒嗒聲the strum of typewriters
- 呵導SONG: shouting guide (one of many types of men authorized to form the retinue of an official in travel status)
- (打字機發出的)啪嗒聲the clack of a typewriter
- 啊呵!Ahoy there!
- 雨滴滴嗒嗒地打在屋頂上。The rain pattered on the roof.
- 呵,那再好不過了。Well, nothing is better than that.
- 他們的鶴嘴鋤發出來的卡嗒卡嗒聲使我從沉思中清醒過來。The rattle of their picks was what woke me from my musing.
- 呵,我們的飯來了。Ah, here's our food.
- 按鍵卡嗒聲key click
- 呵叻Kele