



  • - (善良; 慈善) good:

    good conduct; 善行

    harbour ill intent; 心懷不善

    - (良好) satisfactory; good:

    a wise policy; the best policy 善策

    - (友好; 和好) kind ; friendly:

    be friendly; be kind and helpful 友善

    - (熟悉) familiar:

    look familia 面善

  • - (辦好;弄好) make a success of; perfect:

    A workman must sharpen his tools if he is to do his work well. 工欲善其事,必先利其器。

    - (擅長; 長於) be good at; be expert [adept] in:

    not good at management; 不善經管

    be good at singing and dancing; 能歌善舞

    - (容易; 易於) be apt to:

    be apt to change; be changeable; 善變

    be forgetful; have a short memory 善忘

  • - (好好地) properly:

    put in a good word for sb.; 善為說辭

    take good care of yourself 善自保重

  • - (善行; 善事) good:

    give up evil and return to good; mend one's ways; 改惡從善

    do good works; 行善

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Shan You 善友



  1. 【諺】夫善則妻賢。
    A good husband makes a good wife.
  2. 這名士兵善於吹笛子。
    The soldier was good at playing fife.
  3. 他對她的善良讚不絕口。
    He keeps extolling her goodness.
  4. 誠實、勤勞和善良是幸福生活的要素。
    Honesty, industry and kindness are elements of a good life.
  5. 你應仿效偉大善良的人。
    You should imitate great and good people.
  6. 他外表粗魯,心地善良。
    He has a rough outside, but a good heart.
  7. 我善於品嘗好酒。
    I have a good palate for fine wine.
  8. 勿因善小而不為,勿因惡小而為之。
    We must do good rather than evil, on however humble a scale.


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