- 商品代AA肉雞commercial AA broiler chickens
- 艾維茵商品代肉雞Aiweiying commercial generation broiler
- 本文總結了磁場處理水(水)aa商品代肉雞的增重效果。This article studied the effect of magnetically treated water( well water) on increasing weight gain of AA broiler chickens.
- 發酵大豆粉對AA肉雞增重的影響Effect of Zymosis Soybean Meal on the Gain in Weight of AA Broiler
- 溫熱環境對旱養商品代三水白鴨生產性能的影響Effect of Thermo Conditions on Production Performance of Commercial Sanshui White Ducks on a Dry-feeding System
- 外源性環核苷酸對AA肉雞脂肪和蛋白質代謝的影響Effects of Exogenous Cycle Nucleotides on Fat and Protein Metabolic of AA Broiler Chickens
- 硫代硫酸鈉hyposulphite
- 480羽1日齡櫻桃谷商品代肉鴨,按飼養試驗要求隨機分為4組:1)對照組為基礎日糧;In the in vivo study, four hundred and eighty Cherry Valley commercial ducks, 1 day old, were randomly allocated to four treatments for 42 days, which included: 1) Basal diet (control);
- 代行function in an acting capacity of
- 代為on behalf
- 貨運商品比郵寄省錢。It is less costly to freight merchandise than to mail it.
- 空調是日本許多出口商品中的一種。Air conditioners are one of the many commodities that Japan sells abroad.
- 別忘了代我向他們問好。Don't forget to give my regards to them.
- 別忘記代我問候你的父母親。Don't forget me to your parents.
- 商店櫥窗里擺滿了外國商品。The shop windows are filled with foreign merchandise.
- 大批商品一下子湧入市場。There was a sudden influx of goods onto the market.
- 硫代sulpho-
- 廣告有助於推銷商品。Advertisement helps to sell goods.
- 請代我向你父親問候。Give my remembrances to your father.
- 囤積稀缺商品speculative hoarding of scarce supplies