- 加薪像給在哭啼的嬰孩吃巧克力,讓他靜下來,但不考慮他是生病還是要吃奶。The rise is like giving chocolate to a crying baby to calm him down, but without thinking whether he is sick or wants milk.
- 哭to cry
- 哭啼keep crying
- 一隻歐夜鷹在密密的樹葉間發出三聲長啼,旋即靜默無聲。2 A nightjar in deep-leaved shadow called three long notes, and hushed.
- 啼叫crow
- 愛哭的lachrymose
- 它把自己釘在最尖最長的刺上,在蓁蓁樹枝間婉囀啼鳴。Singing among the savage branches, it impale itself upon the longest, sharpest spine
- 啼嗒-嗒,在那嚴寒中的靜寂!啼嗒-嗒,在那迴音的夜!Tlot-tlot, in the frosty silence! Tlot-tlot, in the echoing night!
- 大哭wail
- 公雞在農家場院里啼叫。The cock crowed in the farmyard.
- 有的人就像公雞一樣,以為太陽因為要聽它啼叫才升起。--艾略特He was like a cock who thought the sun had risen to hear him crow.-G. Eli ot
- 在快活的新年中,媽媽,啷,嘡,啼嘚嘀,嘡。Of all the gld new year, mother, the rum tum tiddledy tum.
- 雄雞的啼聲把我吵醒。The rooster's crow woke me.
- 一夜平安無事,只是偶爾有幾聲山豹的呼嘯和野猿的哀啼衝破這黑夜的寂靜。Nothing occurred during the night to disturb the slumberers, although occasional growls from panthers and chatterings of monkeys broke the silence
- 而那個戰勝者立刻飛上了雞窩頂,開始撲扇翅膀,並且啼叫起來,宣布他的勝利。But the conqueror, straight-way flying up to the top of the house, began clapping his wings and crowing, to announce his victory
- 雞啼鳥鳴迎黎明。The singing of the birds heralded in the day.
- 悲啼moaning
- 公雞啼。A cock crows.
- 公雞在早晨啼叫。Cocks sing in the morning.
- 以顫聲唱歌[鳴啼]warble songs