- 她因失去丈夫而痛不欲生[憂傷不已]。She is inconsolable for the loss of her husband.
- 男孩咕噥著說了聲對不起。The boy grunted an apology.
- 她激動不已。She was tingling with excitement.
- 看在老天爺面上,別再咕噥了。Stop mumbling, for goodness sake.
- 當炸藥爆炸時,大樓顫動不已。The building quivered as the explosive went off.
- 我對他的逝世痛惜不已。I regret his death.
- 他咕噥了一句什麼話,她沒有聽清楚。He murmured something she didn't quite catch.
- 人際關係的複雜情況使她困惑不已。The complexities of interpersonal relations bothered her.
- 他咕噥出他的勉強的贊成。He grunted his reluctant approval.
- 好消息令他們興奮不已。The glad news excited them.
- 他只咕噥了一聲算是回答了.His only answer was a grunt.
- 悲傷不已be prostrate with grief
- 督學咕噥著表示贊同。The inspector gave a grunt of approval.
- 這壞消息令我震驚不已。I was floored by the bad news.
- 他低聲咕噥著。He spoke in a low drone.
- 會見總統是一件令人興奮不已的事情。Meeting the President was a great thrill.
- 咕咕噥噥的旁觀人群muttering crowds of onlookers
- 表演前,她緊張得渾身顫抖不已。She was so nervous before the performance that she was shaking like a jelly.
- 話語由他咕噥咕噥地說了出來。The words purl out of his mouth.
- 為哪滿袋的咕噥For a pocketful of mumbles