- 周期Jacobi矩陣periodic Jacobi matrix
- 對稱三對角矩陣與周期Jacobi矩陣的廣義逆The symmetric tridiagonal matrices and the generalized inverse of periodic Jacobi matrix
- 廣義Jacobi矩陣generalized Jacobi matrix
- 管網方程Jacobi矩陣的一維壓縮存貯與管網圖節點標號的優化Memory Condensation of the Jacobi Matrix of Pipe Network Equation and Optimization of Node Symbols in the Pipe Network
- 關於Jacobi矩陣的特徵值反問題可解的充分必要條件的一個註記A Note on Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for the Jacobi Matrix Inverse Eigenvalue Problem
- 月經周期menstrual cycle
- 商業周期經歷突然的蕭條。The business cycle experienced a sudden down.
- 運行周期operational cycle
- Weierstrass和Jacobi橢圓函數Weierstrass and J acobi elliptic function
- S矩陣S matrix
- 安全周期safety period
- 基於Jacobi法可編程低通有源濾波器設計On POTA Low-Pass Active Filter Designing Based on Jacobi Method
- 白周期white cycle
- S矩陣理論S matrix theory
- 半周期half period
- 半矩陣semi matrix
- 百年周期secular cycle
- 半單矩陣semisimple matrix
- 鼻周期nasal cycle
- 伴隨式矩陣syndrome matrix