



  1. 在資信方面,這家商行還是很可靠的。
    In respect of financial standing, this firm is reliable.
  2. 照我的和大多數人的看法,這是很可靠的投資。
    In my opinion and in the opinion of most people, it is a very sound investment.
  3. 我們的老師是一個非常可靠的人。
    Our teacher is a very responsible person.
  4. 他們是最為可靠的。
    They are the most dependable of all.
  5. 我那輛可靠的舊車會把我們安全地送回家的。
    My trusty old car will get us home safely.
  6. 我認為他不是一個可靠的人。
    I don't think he is a reliable man.
  7. 這消息來自可靠的來源。
    The news comes from a reliable source.
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