- 古大氣CO2paleoatmospheric CO2
- 岩漿水和古大氣降水magmatic water andpaleometeoric water
- 成礦流體是以岩漿水為主,混有古大氣水的混合流體。The main ore fluid was magma water mixed with meteoric water.
- 大氣CO2Atmospheric CO2
- 利用琥珀氣體包裹體判斷古大氣成分方法研究Method Research for Deducing Palaeoatmosphere Composition from Components of Amber Gaseous Inclusion
- 大氣CO2倍增elevated atmospheric CO2
- 大氣CO2濃度atmospheric CO2 concentration
- 最完美的證明就是找到一塊內含古大氣氣泡的岩石,但這種機會微乎其微。Finding a rock that contains bubbles of ancient atmosphere would provide absolute proof, but such a revelation is unlikely.
- 大氣CO2本底濃度atomospheric CO2 background concentration
- 古希臘ancient Greece
- 大氣CO2濃度增加elevated atmospheric C02 concentration
- 中古mediaeval times
- 大氣CO2含量升高elevated atmospheric CO2
- 古羅馬ancient Rome
- 太古immemorial
- 升高大氣CO2濃度Elevated temperature
- 古今ancient and modern
- 下冰雹是一種大氣現象。Hail is a meteoric phenomenon.
- 古銅bronze
- 古龍香水cologne stick