



  1. 她新開辦了一家公司,我希望她取得成功。
    She's just started up a new company; I hope she makes a success of it.
  2. 他將取得成功。
    He will succeed.
  3. 在小公司取得成功的最佳方法之一,就是以與發起人同樣優先的資格入股,隨著公司的發展一起繁榮。
    One of the best ways to succeed in a small company is to get in on the ground floor and prosper as the company expands.
  4. 舉世無雙的人明顯優於所有其他人的人,如取得成功的能力
    One that is markedly superior to all others, as in the ability to succeed.
  5. 你如果把工作堅持下去,最終會取得成功的。
    If you persevere with work, you'll succeed in the end.
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