- 姐妹sisters
- 兄弟姐妹siblings
- 兩位叔伯,待她都還算好。It can be said that the two brothers-in-law treated her well.
- 姐妹的sororal
- 對父母叔伯等長輩的敬稱A respectful salutation for one's parents, seniors
- 夫[妻]系的叔伯輩姻親his [her] uncle by marriage
- 他父親和他的叔伯們都是革命者。His father and his uncles were all revolutionaries
- 堂兄弟姐妹cousin
- 在你們姐妹中,我最心疼你。Of all your sisters, I love you best.
- 我的叔伯姑姨們商量了一番,儼然是在為我挑選一家預備學校。All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were choosing a prep school for me.
- 你分得清這兩個孿生姐妹嗎?Can you tell the twin sisters apart?
- 我的叔伯姑姨們商量了一番,儼然是在為我挑選一家預備學校。All my aunts and uncles talked it over as if they were choosing a prep school for me.
- 我們愛自己的兄弟姐妹。We adore our sisters and brothers.
- 」於是約書亞照著耶和華所吩咐的,在她們的叔伯中間,把產業分給她們。Therefore according to the commandment of the LORD he gave them an inheritance among the brethren of their father.
- 它拚命幹活,而且他和他的兄弟姐妹沒有多少娛樂活動。It is hard work and there is not much fun for him and his brother and sisters.
- 以我們熟悉的語言來說,親屬關係是個例子,英語的uncle不分叔伯舅,aunt不分姑姨嬸妗。For instance, we are familiar with kinship terms. What in English calls "uncle" needs three different terms in Chinese (su, bo, jiu) to differentiate between paternal and maternal uncles and, in the former case, senior or junier, too. Likewise, "aunt" in English takes four different terms in Chinese (gu, yi, shen, jin).
- 她對待姐妹們很好。She does well by her sisters.
- 我的姐妹結婚前是一名護士。My sister worked as a nurse before she got married.
- 故事情節以這兩姐妹之間的關係為轉移。The story hangs on the relationship between the two sisters.
- 他們就像兄弟姐妹一樣。They are like brothers and sisters.