- 埋置型封裝embedded package
- 雙pair
- 小外型封裝SOP
- 雙擊double-click
- 型的thysanuriform
- 雙語diglossia
- 帽型封裝top package
- 一雙pair
- 陶瓷扁平型封裝ceramic flat packing
- 雙贏Win-win
- V型v shape
- V型決V - block
- 磁鐵鄰近IC,可提供極佳的散熱功能,因此在較小的用戶友好型封裝內允許較高的工作溫度。The close proximity of the magnet to the IC provides excellent heat sinking, permitting higher operating temperatures in a smaller user-friendly package.
- V型槽V shaped notch
- V型塔V-Tower
- V型架V shaped frame
- V型鏡V-scope
- 文中介紹MCDC 2805的硬體結構、外型封裝、RS-232串口的功能及RS-232串口的ASCII指令及其應用。Its structure,package,and the functions of RS- 232 port are described in this article, ASCII commands and its practical application in RS- 232 port are given.
- V型塊V-block
- V型墩V-type pier