- 雙網卡和IPX協議問題Dual Network Cards and IPX Issues
- 針對這一問題,杜魯門總統要求國會向希臘和土耳其提供4億美元的資金。President Truman met the problem by asking Congress for400 million dollars to aid Greece and Turkey.
- 沒問題No problem.
- 安全問題safety issue
- 無線網卡wireless network card
- (道德方面)促進,提高,社會進步提高社會,道德和智力標準的努力或運動An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 半雙工semiduplex
- 沒有問題all serene
- [諺]只有傻瓜和騙子才同別人打賭。None but fools and knaves lay wagers.
- 我們私下訂立協議把房子賣了。We sold the house by private treaty.
- 雙拼Two bors d's oeuveres
- 他們匆匆達成和平協議。They patched up a hasty peace.
- 正如我們所知道的,物質隨著溫度的增加和減少而膨脹和收縮。As we know, materials expand and contract with the increase and decrease of temperature.
- 雙母音diphthong
- "董事長今天要來倉庫參觀,所以你們要小心點,準備回答任何問題。""The Chairman's visiting the ware house today, so keep on your toes and be ready to answer any questions."
- 包含最主要點但不包括全部細節的草稿協議。Draft agreement contain the most important point but not all the details.
- 本人畢業於北京外國語大學,在校期間曾獲得獎學金和演講比賽冠軍。 I am a graduate of Beijing Foreign Studies University.I won a scholarship and the first prize in speech contest in the University.
- 母親給她買了一雙網球鞋。Mother bought her a pair of tennis shoes.
- 工廠方面遵守了協議。The agreement has been kept on the part of the factory.
- 被我們所遇到的問題所困擾In the midst of all of our problems.