



  • - (表示重複或繼續):

    read again and again; 讀了又讀

    year after year; 一年又一年

    - (表示幾種情況或性質同時存在):

    cheap but good; 又便宜又好

    After a summer here the poorest sheep and cattle grow strong and fat. 經過一個夏天,連最差的牛羊在這裡也長得又肥又壯了。

    - (表示意思上更進一層):

    On top of it being dark, it rained, which made the going even tougher. 天很黑,又下著雨,路更難走了。

    - (表示 在某個範圍之外有所補充):

    In addition to the tractor, we have acquired a new rice transplanter. 除了拖拉機,我們又添了一台插秧機。

    The doctor felt my pulse and looked down my throat. 大夫摸了摸我的脈,又瞧了瞧我的嗓子。

    - (表示整數之外再加零數):

    one and a half 一又二分之一

    - (表示有矛盾的兩件事情):

    She couldn't make up her mind whether to go or not. 她又想去,又不想去,拿不定主意。

    - (表示轉折,有「可是」的意思):

    He was about to speak. Again he checked himself. 他想說話又忍住了。

    I'd like to go, but I'm not sure if I can find the time. 我想去,又怕沒時間。

    - (用在否定句或反問句里,加強語氣):

    I'm not a stranger here, why all these ceremonies 我又不是外人,何必客氣。

    That's not a hard job. I'm sure I can manage it myself. 這活兒又不重我一個人頂得下來。



  1. 他剛剛到達就不得不又離開。
    Scarcely had he arrived when he had to leave again.
  2. 他們又提高了汽油的價格。
    They have increased the price of petrol again.
  3. 這三個學生又逃學了。
    These three students played truant again.
  4. 送小孩上學的重擔又推給了我!
    I got saddled with taking the children to school again!
  5. 我們很高興又踏上陸地了。
    We are glad to be on land again.
  6. 他們又吵起來了。
    They are rowing again.
  7. 湯姆又不辭而別了。
    Tom has hived off again.
  8. 他拉長著臉進來說,又下雨了。
    He came in with a face as long as a fiddle and said it was raining again.


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