- 去巴黎的CA933班機flight Number CA933 to Paris
- 下一架班機與去巴黎的班機聯運。The next flight connects with a flight for Paris.
- 法航是去巴黎的直達班機。AF flight is a direct flight to Paris.
- 她打消了去巴黎的念頭。She dismissed the idea of going to Paris.
- 米蘭達說她不想去巴黎,但我認為這不過是她因去不成而聊以自慰的話。Miranda says she doesn't want to go to Paris, but I fancy it is merely sour grapes.
- 他一半時間在倫敦的辦事處,一半時間在巴黎的辦事處。His time is split between the London and Paris offices.
- "我本以為你要去買東西呢?" "改變主意是女人的特權嘛。""I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- "你什麼時候去上大學?" "下周,所有的學生都是那時去。""When do you go up to your university?" "Next week, all the students go up then."
- 目前是造訪巴黎的最佳時節。Now is the best time to visit Paris.
- 寄巴黎的航空信郵資是多少?What's the postage for an air-letter to Paris?
- 她對即將能去巴黎旅行一事高興萬分。She rejoiced at the prospect of the Paris trip.
- 我要一張到巴黎的特快列車頭等卧鋪票。Can I have a first class berth on special express to Paris?
- 搭往巴黎的火車然後在巴賽爾換車。Take a train for Pairs and change trains in Basel.
- 我將去巴黎作短時間的訪問。I'll make a brief visit to Paris.
- 她在巴黎的一家餐館碰巧遇見休。She chanced upon Hugh in a restaurant in Paris.
- 巴黎的美國人區.the American colony in Paris
- (巴黎的)拉丁區Latin Quarter
- 許多人去巴黎盧浮宮就是為了看這幅畫。Many people go to the Louvre in Paris to see only this painting.
- 飛往巴黎的英航726號班機在16號門登機。BA flight 726 to Paris is now boarding at gate 16.
- 我總會選擇巴黎的。My choice would always be Paris.