- 硫酸鹽還原原核生物sulfate reducing prokaryotes(SRPs)
- 原核生物基因組DNA鏈組成的非對稱性Genome DNA Strand Compositional Asymmetry of the Prokaryotic Organism
- 海洋貝類細胞內寄生原核生物研究進展Intracellular prokaryote in marine shellfish-A review
- 真核生物mRNA的帽結構與帽結合蛋白The Cap Structure and Cap-B inding Protein of mRNA in Eukaryotes
- 用離散量預測原核生物蛋白質的亞細胞位置The Subcellular Location Prediction of Proteins in Prokaryotic Organism: Application of the Measure of Diversity
- 原核生物翻譯起始區的序列特徵及基因間的關聯特性The Character of Sequence in Translation Start Region and the Correlation Properties Among Genes in Prokaryote
- 原核procaryon
- 微微型真核生物picoeukaryotes
- 原核生物prokaryote
- 真核生物異染色質生化組成及超微結構研究進展Development about Heterochromatin and Its Ultrastructure in Eukaryote
- 原核細胞prokaryocyte
- 開展華北地台古元古代早期微古植物群與真核生物研究Research on Microflora and Eucaryotic Algal Fossils of the Earliest Paleoproterozoic in North China Block
- 原核表達prokaryotic expression
- 在真核生物中,它可能與蛋白質結合形成一種轉錄複合體,抑制轉錄作用,或與轉錄因子結合在一起。In eukaryotes it may bind to proteins in a transcription complex to inhibit its action, or it may bind to a TRANSCRIPTION factor.
- 胚乳原核definitive nucleus
- 精子原核sperm pronucleus
- 卵原核female pronucleus
- 原核體prokaryote
- 雌原核female pronucleus
- 原核表prokaryotic expression