- 方法:採用試管凝集實驗測定卵黃IgY抗體活性。Method:The activity of the egg yolk IgY to S.mutans was determined with agglutination test.
- 卵黃IgYegg yolk IgY
- 卵黃抗體IgYIgY
- 卵黃yelk
- IgYegg-yolk antibodies
- 抗IgYAnti- IgY
- 卵黃囊yolk sac
- 抗齲IgYanticarious IgY
- IgY抗體IgY antibody
- 卵黃系帶雞蛋內將蛋黃和蛋殼任一端的內膜連接的兩個螺旋的帶狀組織之一One of two spiral bands of tissue in an egg that connect the yolk to the lining membrane at either end of the shell.
- IgY牙膏IgY toothpaste
- 白卵黃white yolk
- 抗HBV-IgYanti-HBV-IgY
- 卵黃膜lecithymen
- 免疫球蛋白(IgY)immunoglobulinY (IgY)
- 卵黃泡vitelline vacuole
- IgY牙膏預防乳牙齲的臨床實驗研究Clinical study of anticarious IgY toothpaste in deciduous teeth prevention
- 異卵黃的卵子中卵黃分佈不均勻的Having the yolk unevenly distributed throughout the egg.
- 抗哇巴因雞蛋黃抗體IgY的製備Preparation of anti-ouabain IgY in hen egg yolk
- 卵黃上皮yolk epithelium