



  • - (危險) danger; peril:

    think of danger in times of peace; 居安思危

    face danger fearlessly; betray no fear in an hour of danger; 臨危不懼

    - (屋脊) ridge (of a roof)
    - (二十八宿之一) Wei, one of the lunar mansions
    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Wei Quanfeng 危全諷

  • - (使處於危險境地; 危害) endanger; imperil; jeopardize:

    endanger sb.'s life [property; reputation; security]; 危及某人的生命[財產; 名譽; 安全]

    Stray mines began to turn up off the Pacific coast, imperilling commercial shipping. 散逸的水雷開始在太平洋海岸出現而危及商船的航行。

  • - (危險的; 不安全) dangerous; perilous:

    a dangerous situation 危局

    - (人快要死去) dying:

    be critically ill; be dying 病危

    - (高) high; precipitous:

    a high tower; 危樓

    a precipitous cliff 危崖

    - (端正) proper; upright:

    sit up properly 正襟危坐



  1. 這個地區很危險,所以你身上不要帶太多現金。
    This is a dangerous area, so don't carry too much cash on you.
  2. 這預示我們陷入危險。
    It portends we are in danger.
  3. 手術成功了,病人現在已脫離危險。
    The operation is a success and now the patient is out of danger.
  4. 危險就在我們面前。
    The danger is impending over us.
  5. 馬感覺到了危險,於是停了下來。
    The horse sensed danger and stopped.
  6. 他在面對危險的時候表現出非凡的勇氣。
    He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.
  7. 他的狗看上去很危險。
    His dog looks dangerous.


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