- 斯this
- 酸性綠Bacid green B
- 納to accept
- 占to divine
- 一定濃度(0.01mg/L和0.1mg/L)的S-3307使供試品種佳美與翠碧A的出愈率提高,卻降低了另兩個品種迪斯綠與獵狗5的出愈率;Both the concentrations of S-3307 used in the experiment(0.01 mg/L and 0.1 mg/L)led to an increase in the callus induction rate in the cultivars (Gooden and Triple A) , but a decrease in other two cultivars (Dixie Green and Houndog 5).
- 雖然亞瑟·納斯先生已去 世,這家公司還是欣欣向榮。It is still thriving, although Mr. Nash has gone.
- 鍵那綠B與黃原膠作用的光散射表徵及分析應用A Study on the Interaction of Janus Green B with Xanthan by Resonance Light Scattering Measurment
- 萊納斯Linus
- 顏料綠Bpigment green B
- 佔位符placeholder
- 佔優勢be in the ascendant
- 基尼綠Bguinea green B
- 阿爾卑斯山Alps
- 占空比dutyfactor
- 納什Nash
- 拉斯Lars
- 萘酚綠Bnaphthol green B
- 海納百川All rivers run into sea
- 佔位perch
- 納期delivery time